Home Electrics

Have your property checked out for the condition of your electrical installation: Many properties are still well below current standards of installation and the risk to the individual can be quite high. Remember that many fires and other accidents are caused by poor electrical installation and it is in your best interest to have yours periodically tested.This is now known as;


This inspection should be carried out by a suitably qualified electrician who will ideally belong to a National Electrical Body such as NAPIT 


Additional  electrical Installations.


There are so many electrical appliances today that rooms often find themselves inadequately provided for to service the installed appliances. It is in your best interests to dispense with as many trailing leads as possible and have suitable electrical points installed which can comfortably service your  needs



For those extra points consult with Hohm Services for a competitive quote and advice as to what your current installation can safely contend with.



Other additions;