Approximately 25% of all reported electrical accidents were due to faults with portable appliances.
The Requirement:
On the 1st April 1990, the Electricity at Work Regulations became law. Encompassed within the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 , these new regulations placed responsibility upon companies, other institutions, and their employees to ensure that portable electrical equipment is properly maintained and periodically tested to confirm its safety.
Regulation 4.
All systems and appliance be constructed as to prevent danger
All systems and appliances maintained as to prevent danger
Regulation 16
Persons responsible for the above to be competent in maintaining systems and appliances.
Note also Health & Safety at Work Regulations which state that all employers have a legal duty to ensure that equipment is maintained, in good working order, and is safe.
It is Important that all appliances are tested regularly with the correct instrument which will carry out ;
Earth Bond test
Insulation test
Operational test
Earth leakage test
Hohm Services will carry out these tests on all Class One, Class Two, and Business IT equipment and appliances.
These tests will be carried out to the relevant British Standards namely; BS 1363, BS 2754, BS 2769, and in accordance with the guidelines and procedures issued by the health & Safety Executive.
Hohm Services can also effect repairs to defective leads, connection blocks and connection components (e.g. plug top)
Portable Appliance.
Essentially a piece of electrical equipment/apparatus which can be transported from place to place.
A piece of equipment which can be transported from place to place b means of a trolley or castors
Appliances which are connected to the supply by means of a flexible cable.
There are also requirements for fixed appliances such as cookers, catering equipment, laundry equipment, and bench tools etc.